Day Treatment Crescent Academy works with students who have not fit into a traditional classroom setting.

Crescent Academy

Crescent Academy Day Treatment Program

Crescent Academy works with students who have not fit into a traditional classroom setting. We use the Sanctuary Model, a trauma informed approach as a foundation for our work with students. We work on academics as well as behavioral and social skill development. The program is designed to be a short term (6-9 months) program to help teach students coping skills so that they can better manage their emotions and behaviors when they return to a regular school setting.

The program uses hands on learning to build positive experiences for students. We then use a positive based motivation system to help students strive to reach their potential. All students receive individual and family therapy while in the program to help the entire family learn to work with their student. We have locations at Henderson Independent, Hanford-Dole Elementary, and on the Nazareth campus.

Target Population

Target Population

The program is currently for elementary and middle school students, who have struggled in a traditional school setting and have not responded to lower levels of interventions such as IEP or 504 plans. All students have a mental health diagnosis as determined by a Comprehensive Clinical Assessment (CCA).



The day treatment program works in partnership with Rowan-Salisbury Schools to ensure that all students receive full academic credit while in the program. As a result we work with the school system to ensure that all referrals have tried other interventions in their home school, or with other mental health services prior to a day treatment referral. A CCA and Person Centered Plan (PCP) are completed prior to program admission.

Contact Information

Contact Information

Se’Quan Norman
Case Manager

Nicholas Brewington
Program Manager