How Can I Help? Nazareth Children's Home, Inc. d.b.a Nazareth Child & Family Connection is a tax-exempt non-profit organization and we accept both monetary and in-kind donations.


Volunteer with Nazareth

Your gifts are very important to the success of our mission. It is vital that as a donor you are assured that your generous donations are put to good use and that, as a donor, you have full transparency to the organization's operations and expenses.

Have a group of people wanting to volunteer or support Nazareth? Want us to come and present at your Church, Civic Group, or place of employment? Please contact Cheri Peterson at 704.279.5556 ext. 1117.

Please complete our volunteer application to get started!

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Honor and Memorial gifts help support Nazareth Child & Family Connection and our ministry to disadvantaged children and their families. A memorial gift is a way of honoring the memory of a departed loved one – a perfect way to express one’s sympathy and appreciation in times of sorrow. Investing in a young life through a memorial gift is an appropriate way to remember someone and provide a lasting tribute to that memory.

Honor gifts thank the living. This expression of thoughtfulness honors friends, family, and others on special occasions in their lives such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, promotions, and retirement. You may make an honor or memorial gift to Nazareth using your credit card by simply clicking the donate button.

Transfer of Appreciated Securities

Transfer of Appreciated Securities

Should you wish to make a gift to Nazareth Child & Family Connection by using appreciated securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds), please contact Hugo Crigler by email at He will be glad to provide you with account information or answer any questions you may have.

Wills and Bequests

Wills and Bequests

We are grateful to those who choose to selflessly include Nazareth in their advanced financial planning process. If you would like to discuss a personalized or specific plan you’re thinking of, please contact Hugo Crigler at A decision like this will change the lives of many children for years and years to come. That’s a real legacy!

Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of Real Estate

For information on making a gift of Real Estate, please contact Hugo Crigler at